This site is for anyone who is curious what's up with SDDS. We are proud to be deaf, use American Sign Language, and surfing in San Diego, CA. We want to share our surf experience through Vlog and Blog with you. You can join SDDS and you don’t have to be deaf but would appreciate if you know American sign language that can chatting with us!
On 2/17/08, Deaf and ASL signer surfers met at San Onofre from Los Angeles, OrangeCounty, and San Diego. I learned that people knew about coming to SanO by through the website: USDSA, CALDeaf, and SDDS without any emails involved! All of us were stoked by surfing all morning until we returned to the sand by noon-ish. We were inspired by sharing good surfing stories. Also, we were interested about USDSA that Marina shared the information with us.
John and I decided to go back to surf more and the waves were smaller than earlier. So, I brought something with me while surfing that I would like to share it to you on the vlog!
San Diego Deaf Surfriders (SDDS) & Orange County Deaf Surfriders (OCDS). Both clubs agreed to meet at San Onofre, CA on Feb. 17, 2008. Come and join us to surf or hang out at the beach! We probably will be learning about Marina's experience that she went to Japan for World Deaf Surfing Championship 2007. Now, World Deaf Surfing Championship 2009 will be at Hawaii!